Adolescent Illness Treatment

Adolescent Illness Treatment in Dwarka Sector 8; A person may be diagnosed with severe depressive disorder if they have displayed five of these symptoms almost daily for at least two weeks. The takeaway: If your teen occasionally loses it or stays up late, it's generally nothing to worry about. On the other hand, it's usually a good idea to go to your doctor if such feelings linger and there are additional uncommon symptoms. Although a drop in grades would typically be one of the warning signals for most children, there are other symptoms as well. Another red flag may be a change in your child's social routines, such as a withdrawal from friends, school, or former hobbies that they used to like. Mental diseases can be avoided. However, because they are in denial, parents frequently wait until problems have been ongoing for several months before bringing the child in. A common sentiment among parents is "It can't possibly be what's happening to my child." If you have concerns, you should speak with your adolescent.

For more details please contact us at +9101128050007

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